Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sorry, I was bored.

Why does everyone seem to think vampires are sexy? They could be tentacled, bug-eyed, small-lipped cheebees for all we know.


asfjh said...

i used to think vampires was a sexy idea until i dated a psychopath for several years. he drained the life force out of me.i can imagine being with a vampire must be like being with him.

anne rice has probably done a lot to make vampires sexier. also i guess there's something sexy about the blood sucking as it is like a big harsh kiss, a bit like a dominative lover - if you're into that sort of thing.
and then there's the animalistic side of vampires. sex is viewed by many as a bit animalistic. wherewoles aren't thought of as very sexy as they are only animalistic. vampires combine their animalistic side with an aristocratic notion. they are cool and raw at the same time. arr i'm ranting! i like vampires though(in fiction, not in real life) and i prefer them sexy;)

Anonymous said...

Now, i don't know for sure, so don't quote me, but i think the vampire-vs-damsel thing is allegorical for the deflowerer-vs-virgin thing.

You've got the seduction, the penetration, the despoiling, the... the needing to then do it all the time from then on or you'll die...

I think when Christopher Lee was plunging his cryptopenile fangs into the throats of those sixties women in all those Hammer Horrors, i think that was what it was on about.